*FirstName: M.I.: *Last Name: *Address: *City: *State: *Zip: *Email: *Telephone: *Birthdate (must be at least 19 years of age):
Select all that apply. Tour Guide (Thursdays-Saturdays 1 pm) School Outreach (Spring weekdays) Garden/Plant Care (Tuesdays 8-11 am, April-Nov) Community Events For Community Events: Please indicate when you are generally available (select all that apply)Year-roundSpringSummerFallWinterWeekdaysWeekendsDaytimeEvening Other:
In case of medical emergency, contact name: Telephone: Relationship to you:
*How did you hear about volunteering at Monona Terrace? *Please briefly state why you'd like to Volunteer at Monona Terrace. *Are there any special accommodations you would need to perform volunteer job duties?
*Special Skills or Interests: Please list special skills, interests and hobbies. Include fluency in foreign languages or sign language, if applicable. *Previous Volunteer Experience: Please list any previous volunteer experience, including the name of the organization(s) where you volunteered. Also include any professional or educational experience that may apply. *Have you ever been convicted of a crime? (If yes, please explain the nature of the crime and the date of the conviction and disposition.) Conviction of a crime is not an automatic disqualification for volunteer work.
*References (Please list two references not related to you whom we may contact.): *Reference 1 Name: *Email: *Telephone: *Relationship: *Reference 2 Name: *Email: *Telephone: *Relationship:
By submitting this form you acknowledge that of the above information is given freely and without reservation, and is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You authorize agents of Monona Terrace to check the references you provide and check with the appropriate public authorities regarding your background and history. You understand that should you be offered a volunteer position, any misrepresentation may lead to denial of your application. You understand that completing the application process does not guarantee acceptance as a volunteer.
If you have any questions please contact Heather Sabin at 608.261.4015 or hsabin@mononterrace.com